A key word in the ensuing brief but appalling lexicon is democracide. The sound of the word says it all: “The stopping or hindering of democracy” (Wiktionary, among others). What else needs to be said to any American before every American demands the immediate end of the GOP’s brazen attempt to force autocracy on us all?… Continue reading
That Flag Needs A Spellcheck
That repugnant, impudent flag needs a spellcheck. Well, at least the first two letters are right.
Nothing should make any American’s blood boil more than seeing fellow Americans flying a flag clearly intended as a redefinition of their country in the name of an insurrectionist who has left an indelible wake of death behind him, a fomenter of political violence in his own name and for his own sake, a self-serving pathological liar hell-bent on installing himself as this nation’s all-powerful ruler. … Continue reading
A Casual Encounter With the Demise of Rationality
Where do thinking Americans draw the line with sheer idiocy? A lot is being bandied about suggesting respect for other points of view. And sure, it’s a nice thought, even a noble one. But to what degree is blatant stupidity worthy of respect, especially when it seeks you out? … Continue reading
New USFL’s Ersatz Countdown Clock Least Of Its Worries
Credibility is an omnipresent issue for any organization that takes itself – and its survival – seriously, and that is never truer than for an organization that comes with more baggage than promise. The reborn United States Football League is a perfect example, attempting a coattail run rooted in a league that fell apart nearly four decades ago after a three-year struggle for longevity that was never to be, a struggle that grasped at the straws of promise that every spring league has flashed before it was devoured by any one of countless circumstances that lay in merciless wait.… Continue reading
Extreme Reactions to Social Ineptitude Threaten Free Speech
While we remember that no greater threat to democracy exists than that which comes from within, let’s also remember the words of Evelyne Beatrice Hall (sometimes incorrectly attributed to Voltaire): “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”… Continue reading
Glass Towers, Part 2
“Obama should resign in disgrace!”
Candidate Trump’s tweet popped (probably with more exclamation points) onto computer and then television screens within hours of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, a message so witless, so senselessly inflammatory, so logically vapid and emotionally vacant that it’s difficult to believe no one is demanding he now live up to his own standard.… Continue reading
Beware of GOP’s Deeper Motives
As most Americans continue to mull the myriad negatives of the monstrous mass moron-a-thon that is the Trump administration, they should be highly suspicious of the GOP’s less obvious possible motives.
While there is nothing overt to suggest that the evident Republican power lust seemingly marking the party’s every sycophantic whim is anything but genuine, no thoughtful observer should rest confident that the whole picture is visible.… Continue reading
Sans Witches, This May Have Been A Witch-Hunt
No, this isn’t about #45, for a change, but here are a few definitions of “witch-hunt” to get us started:
“A situation [in which] accusations are made freely.” — yourdictionary.com
“A politically-motivated, often vindictive investigation that feeds on public fears.”… Continue reading
I Want A Howitzer (satire)
Can you believe all these anti-gun hysterics? Just when we need guns the most, a bunch of chicken-shit crybabies think taking them away from us is the answer. Boo-hoo, what about all the slaughter, wah-wah-wah.
The Second Amendment makes it clear: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”… Continue reading
Killing A Flea With A Howitzer
All over an alleged attempt at a kiss. Are we even listening to ourselves? We’re running qualified, quality leaders out of the United States Senate when we need them more than ever, and all because of alleged perfectly normal human behavior?… Continue reading