As most Americans continue to mull the myriad negatives of the monstrous mass moron-a-thon that is the Trump administration, they should be highly suspicious of the GOP’s less obvious possible motives.
While there is nothing overt to suggest that the evident Republican power lust seemingly marking the party’s every sycophantic whim is anything but genuine, no thoughtful observer should rest confident that the whole picture is visible. Something feels much more amiss than the onslaught of sights and sounds drowning our waking reality. As repugnant and beneath belief as they are, they may be part of a plan for a more permanent grab for control that few will see coming.
The new silence from some of the party leadership that had been outspoken in their criticism of and even opposition to Trump should be particularly alarming. Have the candid few been silenced by threats? That theory has been floated. Are they otherwise being coerced? That has been aired, as well, and either certainly may bear its fair share of truth.
But what if GOP office-holders are using a sacrificial figurehead leader in Trump, someone they will play along with, even encourage (to keep making an insipid ass of himself) until they’re ready to make themselves the heroes who remove him?
What makes more sense? Could that many members of a recently sane party be so thoroughly obtuse that they don’t see the clear and present danger of #45, not only to the nation and the world but to their own political futures in the face of deteriorating public opinion and mounting electoral defeats?
Is it plausible that every inane tweet, every sophomoric error in fact, every infantile trashing of truth, every horrendous and unwarranted insult — to former Presidents, current world leaders, ordinary citizens, whole countries, races and nationalities — escapes into the ether of their vaunted agenda?
Could they possibly not understand that if they remove a deranged demagogue from the White House another member of their party will take his place and they will maintain their unholy triumvirate?
Or is it more plausible that they want to use a psycho-in-chief monster they’ve helped create to sign off on every piece of legislation they desire, then pull out their hero act in time for campaign season glory? Will they be scared enough of their own political demise to finally turn on this worst imaginable excuse for a leader when their futures are on the line, or have they planned all along to wait for the perfect time to cash in their American hero tickets?
One thing is sure either way: The nation’s best interests are not guiding their behavior.